Diploma in Crew Management

NEDCON Maritime Manpower Supply’s Diploma in Crew Management: Lloyd’s Maritime Academy in collaboration with North West Kent College is offering the possibility to gain knowledge and obtain a recognized Diploma in Crew Management in a one year distance learning course. The course takes you through all major aspects of the maritime sector and provides an in depth understanding and a clearer picture in how to handle the problems arising in crew manning day to day activities.

Mr. Narcis Bacaintan, Managing Director of NEDCON Maritime Manpower Supply took the opportunity to sign up for this course in order to gain more useful and important knowledge about the maritime sector activity. All members of the team had expanded their knowledge in regards to maritime regulations, maritime law, insurance covers and claims, finance and accounting, customer relations and crew welfare.

One of the services provided by NEDCON Maritime Manpower Supply is crew for all major types of vessels including passenger vessels, dry cargo ships, bulk carriers, Ro-Ro vessels, container carriers, oil-chemical tankers and offshore vessels. Nedcon Maritime Manpower is MLC 2006 certified as a Provision of manpower to shipowners, ship managers and ship operators in accordance with the requirements of the International Labour Organisation’s Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006) as applicable to recruitment and placement services: recruiting and Manpower supply for shipping, shipbuilding industry, oil & energy and industrial.

With the Diploma in Crew Management, NEDCON Maritime Manpower Supply is promoting the best practices in recruitment and selection of qualified personnel for ship’s operation and maintenance in order to meet the Client requirements with professionalism and at the highest standards.

More details can be found on our website www.nedcon.ro or you can contact us directly at office@nedcon.ro.

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