20 Movie titles and scenes related to recruitment challenges from both the employer’s and the candidate’s point of view

20 Movie titles and scenes related to recruitment challenges from both the employer’s and the candidate’s point of view

The Hundred Foot Journey

The beginning of the recruitment journey. “The Hundred-Foot Journey” (2014)

A Little Chaos

When you receive too many CVs and too little time to screen them all. “A Little Chaos” (2014)

So many faces and expressions of candidates waiting to be interviewed and screened! After one full day you still need to remember the face of the ones who you might consider. “The Waiting Room” (2015)

The Internship (2015)

Skype Interviewing – bringing people face to face, best option if long distance is an impediment. “The Internship” (2013)

Frozen (2013)

That Awkward moment when the candidate in front of you just freezes and doesn’t say anything. “Frozen” (2013)

English Vinglish (2012)

Or, when you just can’t understand his English. “English Vinglish” (2012)

When a candidate is applying for all your posted jobs. “Iron Will” (1994)

Liar Liar 1997

When your mouth speaks – not the truth – wanting to impress. “Liar Liar” (1997)


When you had enough from the “knows it all” candidate. “Please Kill Mr. Know It All” (2012)

Hard To Get

When fishing for the best candidate in the greatest ocean. “Hard to Get” (2014)

Unfinished Business

Wrong attitude for the first interview. “Unfinished Business” (2015)

Practical Magic

When magic becomes your only hope in finding the right candidate. “Practical Magic” (1998)

The Intern

Experience is many times the most important factor when selecting your employees. The difficulty is finding the right experience with the right attitude. “The Intern” (2015)

Found him – don’t let him go! “He Got Game” (1998)

The Wolf of Wall Street

It’s all down to negotiation now. “The Wolf Of Wall Street” (2013)


When you found the one, seal the deal. “Jerry Maguire” (1996)

When you find out you got the job. “Dead Poets Society” (1989)

Happy Feet 2

Now you can do the “dance of joy”. “Happy Feet Two” (2011)

Gone With The Wind

Don’t worry if you did not get the job. It was just not meant to be. “Gone With The Wind” (1939)

The End - Boat

Same as in all the great movies: The End to another successful recruitment process!

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