Riding Squads

Nedcon Maritime manpower supply is committed to supplying highly skilled workers on request for repairs onboard vessels and in shipyards worldwide. Our labourers are skilled in overhauling all types of naval engines, diesel generators, hydraulic systems, boilers, condensers, cargo and ballast pumps.
In addition we have experienced tradespeople to carry out the replacement of a large variety of pipes on Deck and in the Engine Room and to ensure the fine-tuning of onboard instrumentation systems and automation. We also provide riding teams for cleaning and coatings ballast / cargo tanks and the maintenance of ship’s systems.
Riding Squads:
- scaffolders
- fitters
- welders
- coded welders
- steel workers
- fabricators
- insulators
- laggers
- pipe fitters
- boiler makers
- mechanical fitters
- riggers
- painter blasters
- tank cleaners
- electricians
- platers